As in nearly every aspect of President Donald Trump’s remaking of federal government operations, the announced dismantling of much of the U.S. Department of Education has thrown Hawaii’s own public schools system into a world of worry. What will be the effect on so many crucially needed federal assists to the children in its classrooms?
Though the answer remains obscured by the fog swirling around executive orders and court challenges, it is not too soon for Hawaii’s education and elected officials to start planning in earnest around priorities the public expects to be met.
The good news: State leadership appears willing to shoulder the challenge of changes in how resources are delivered, so that the beneficiaries, Hawaii’s keiki, might have services largely preserved.
Although anticipated for some time, the federal formal order came through Thursday and, almost instantaneously, was met with alarm from Hawaii’s congressional delegation and other advocates. Among them, Logan Okita, vice president of the state teachers’ union and a Nimitz Elementary School teacher, told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser how federal funds serve children needing extra help, citing some of her own students from military families.
Important, yes, and the concern extends far beyond that issue, with effects on civil rights matters, student loan applications and programs for low-income families. Further critiques of the federal DOE-dismantling blueprint, still not mapped out, came from U.S. Rep. Ed Case, among others. In his statement, the Hawaii congressman construed the move as a step toward eliminating all federal funds for education.
That would be unconscionable. Federal dollars help to fill in many blanks for schools nationwide where funding falls short of the need, especially in areas where a lower-income population yields a smaller tax base. Although most of Hawaii’s Department of Education resources come from state taxpayers, a sizable chunk — 11% — of the budget for public education here comes from the federal government.
Hawaii’s single, statewide school district is set up to more equitably distribute funds according to specific needs, but in other states, smaller school districts, especially in rural areas, can draw on only limited resources. With many such districts in conservative states that elected Trump and other Republicans, perhaps political pressures will help to sustain support at a significant level nationwide.
As for Hawaii, Gov. Josh Green expressed readiness to receive money, in block grants bound for each state. He has said publicly that Hawaii needs federal funds for everything from special education to school meals, and that he is happy to take it.
This is in keeping with his general position of seeking common ground with the president where possible; Green told Star-Advertiser writer Dan Nakaso earlier this month that he needs to protect Hawaii’s budget above all.
It’s hard to argue with that stance — but Hawaii, like other states, remains in the dark about what fiscal realities it will face. Its leaders need to start building reinforcements now.
An informational briefing at the Legislature would be a good starting point, bringing together state education officials with lawmakers and inviting the public to give its feedback as well. Where should money be spent? How to most effectively distribute it to those most in need? Ensuring that Hawaii maintains and builds on its recovery from learning loss during COVID lockdowns would be one imperative.
State DOE leaders must lay out whatever frameworks they’ve built, and then circle back when the plan is filled in. Legislators could call a special session to review and approve such contingency plans — and see that the state makes the most of the dollars that come. Efficiency remains a goal of this state, if it’s pursued following careful planning, starting now.