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Former state Sen. Maile Shimabukuro, who chaired the Hawaiian Affairs Committee, supported a range of legislation supporting the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. She often was reminded that Nanakuli has the largest Hawaiian population in the world.
Sen. Samantha DeCorte now represents District 22. When introducing herself and staff at a Waianae Coast Neighborhood Board meeting, her message was clear that she would fight for her community. Knowingly or not, some of her staff and maybe their ohana are DHHL beneficiaries.
Unfortunately, DeCorte, a member of the Hawaiian Affairs Committee, put down her boxing gloves at a joint meeting on March 18 and voted against granting DHHL an additional $600 million. Does she understand that her “no” vote impacts neighbor island beneficiaries? DHHL Chair Kali Watson faced the Hawaiian Affairs and Ways and Means committees in January to explain why the additional funds are needed.
Johnnie-Mae L. Perry
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