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In these early days of the Trump administration, many people around the world believe we are witnessing remarkable events that are of great concern for our fundamental American belief in democracy and justice.
A shameful public spectacle took place in the Oval Office on Feb. 26. It was a dishonest verbal ambush of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, led by President Donald Trump. It was a complete contradiction to our long-held American belief in the democratic principles of national sovereignty and individual freedoms.
As a community of faith, The Interfaith Alliance Hawaii (TIAH) stands for justice, integrity and decency. We bless the people of Ukraine in their fight for democracy and freedom. More than that, we call on all of people of good will to seek the facts and call to account national and world leaders to speak the truth and continue to be paragons of integrity.
Cynthia E. Lynch
President, The Interfaith Alliance – Hawaii
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