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I have never been one to push the idea of “American exceptionalism.” I’ve always thought it sounded a little arrogant. However, I have never doubted the extraordinary leadership, intellect, creativity and innovative strengths of the United States. As the U.S. prospered, so too could the world.
Unfortunately, America is once again beginning to withdraw as a positive global leader, turning away from global commitments, turning its back on allies and shifting toward a more self-interested stance — just as the world faces challenges that demand major global cooperation.
In the short term, our longtime allies have little choice but to work with us, under whatever conditions. However, I have no doubt they are reevaluating these relationships. Over time, they will recognize their reliance on the U.S. is not in their best interest and begin to pull away. A new world order is clearly in the making.
Carl Sabatino
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