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Having visited beautiful Oahu over the past dozen years, I’ve become more appreciative of state and local issues confronting these beautiful islands.
Having lived on Florida’s Space Coast my entire life, I approach such issues with laser focus. Here in Hawaii, the focus is on local businesses, old and new. In Florida, local stations are flooded with billboard lawyers and cheesy theme park sellouts. Here in Hawaii, politics is very progressive in promotion and policies. In Florida, politics has become the canary in the coal mine for the country. Florida has become a haven for the billionaires we so despise running our country.
I’ve always lived by the old adage, “those who deny history deny reality.” One day in the distant future, the children of today will look back in wonder at how these turbulent times turned out. Let’s give them the chance to look back in peace and hope.
Bill Lundell
Indian Harbour Beach, Fla.
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