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The recent arrest — what I view as a state-sanctioned abduction — of Mahmoud Khalil and the ongoing investigation of 60 colleges and universities, including the University of Hawaii, for the unjust accusation of antisemitism signify the amplification of the state’s repression campaign against Palestinians and their supporters under the guise of Jewish safety.
I am so tired of witnessing our plight as Jews be exploited to justify genocide against Palestinians and the subjugation of innocent people who utilize their voice to protest the U.S. government’s direct role in Israel’s war on Gaza.
Don’t be fooled by the propaganda put forth by the U.S. government and its false claims to care about us. We are not made safer through the annihilation of Palestinians or the repression of human rights activists. There are tens of thousands of anti-Zionist Jews like me who stand in solidarity with Palestinians.
Rose Elovitz
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