Gambling, including sports betting, is addicting. Desperate financial losses can easily escalate to more serious crimes. It has destroyed individuals, marriages, families and communities. Rehabilitation is costly and can take years, and addicts may never recover.
People do it anyway, so why not legalize it? Given that reasoning, should other crimes like taking or selling illegal drugs and stealing also be legalized?
We think we can control it and make money. But what is the price of a life, marriage or family ruined, heartbroken and suffering?
Gambling laws are a deterrent for many law-abiding citizens who would never commit a crime. Legal gambling puts many more at risk. Some think of it as a fun, recreational activity, not realizing it could ruin their lives, families and others.
Please think about the people of Hawaii, not money. Please, no sports betting/gambling in Hawaii.
Gary and Amy Sugawa
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