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It’s Sunday night. Hawaii Fest 2025 is going full blast, upheaving lives in our Moanalua Gardens community. Organizers have amped up their sound system to the max, entertainers are yelling into mics and exhorting the crowd, their pounding music penetrating our 1960s-era, single-walled homes. Our house vibrates with each deafening beat that has continued five days and five nights, including rehearsals.
Commercial business belongs solely in a commercial district, not in a residential neighborhood. City officials: Take heed of the rights of residents to quiet enjoyment of their homes. Have decency and respect for thousands of lives you disrupted by permitting a commercial activity in a 100% residential neighborhood.
One last word: In the aftermath, yards and sidewalks were trashed by event attendees who discarded food containers and beverage cans, and urinated in our streets. Hawaii Fest is no longer welcome. Go somewhere else to raise your hell.
Joanne Maida
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