Graffiti covers boarded windows at the former Moose McGillycuddy’s Pub and Cafe on Lewers Street in Waikiki.
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Regarding a recent article on vandalism in local parks, specifically concerning graffiti, one solution might be to offer the wanna-be artists a way out by paying them to fess up and produce art for tattoo studio owners (“City parks ‘follow-up’ audit completed,” Star-Advertiser, Feb. 14). They might also sell their art through a city-sponsored flea market or high-profile stand somewhere in Waikiki. Hotel operators might want to be sponsors. This would provide some incentive for hopeful commercial artists.
This would be a significant boon for those artists willing to participate, especially in comparison to the cost and aesthetic vandalism of park benches, building walls, trash cans and other public and private properties. It could even change a graffiti artist’s life.
Stirling Hebenstreit
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