The University of Hawaii has asked its future students who among them are interested in a new, streamlined bachelor’s degree program for early-childhood teachers, and a whole crowd of them raised their hand.
So says Nathan Murata, dean of the UH College of Education, and that’s great news. For a state that’s accelerating its push for better early-learning capacity, it is gratifying to see there is interest in making that a reality.
Lt. Gov. Sylvia Luke last week joined Murata to announce the launch of a new bachelor of education degree program at the Manoa campus. Afterward, he said, applications to enroll in the program doubled, well ahead of the March 1 deadline (see Opens in a new tab for information). The rush, he said, “is a good problem to have.”
There is similarly encouraging information from the lieutenant governor’s office, which has served as the champion of Ready Keiki, the state’s initiative to ensure preschool access for all 3- and 4-year-olds by 2032. This kindergarten-readiness plan is on pace to deliver an inventory of 400 classrooms statewide.
The challenge, of course, is to keep all this momentum going, right to the finish line. These classrooms need teachers to put the children on the right path.
Murata expressed his confidence that the degree program will be ready to roll by the fall 2025 semester, as scheduled, and that there is sufficient faculty to deliver the curriculum. The education college already partners with instructors teaching the existing two-year early-childhood education classes at community colleges to handle some of the elementary education classes at Manoa, the dean said.
He also believes there is the budget to manage additional course load at the college for the four-year curriculum. Higher-education committees at the Legislature must ensure the funding is robust.
There are existing resources available to bring tuition within easier reach. The College of Education has tuition waivers for some student teachers, and there are stipends offered as part of the state’s Grow Our Own Teachers Initiative.
An additional support system is getting appropriate attention this session at the state Capitol. House Bill 549 and its companion measure, Senate Bill 426, would create grants for new early-learning apprenticeships. Both have passed through initial committee review and are positioned for the budgetary committees to attach funds.
“Early Learning Registered Apprenticeship Programs create structured pathways for aspiring early childhood professionals to gain hands-on experience, earn credentials and achieve career advancement,” said Yuuko Arikawa-Cross, director of the Executive Office on Early Learning, in testimony on the Senate bill. The office would be tapped to help with development of criteria for apprenticeship awards.
It is important to enhance the opportunities for pursuit of this career. Early education jobs historically have been low-paying, so incentives are needed to draw the students into the field and help support them while they learn. Currently the only way to earn a bachelor’s degree for early learning is for students to enroll in both elementary and early childhood degree programs, Murata added — a longer, costlier track.
Also, Murata said, the four-year program is designed to incorporate student teaching at beginning of course work. This is smart, enabling students to get a clear sense of the job early on. It also will give staff support in the classrooms already serving keiki.
If Hawaii is to meet its early-learning goals, there’s no time to lose. The college, as well as the lawmakers, are making a good start.