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Congratulations to Coach Charlie Wade on his 300th win for the University of Hawaii men’s volleyball team! Also for packing the arena with all the devoted fans, not including those who watched and cheered from their homes.
This is a big accomplishment, as I remember when Dave Shoji was packing the house for the women’s team. One day, on our way to the arena, the entire men’s team was greeting the fans and passing out their schedules asking everyone to please come out and support their team as well.
If I’m not mistaken, Coach Wade said in an interview that one of his goals was to fill the arena just like the women’s team. He’s proven that he and his staff have worked hard to attain this goal and much, much more. Congrats Coach Wade, we’re all proud of you, your staff and all the players — both present and past!
Shirley Higa
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