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The city’s proposal for a landfill over Oahu’s aquifer is dangerous. As Board of Water Supply Chief Engineer Ernie Lau pointed out, eventually it will continuously leak toxic waste into our water supply — Red Hill on steroids. We are responsible for preserving our water supply for future generations.
Previously, the city considered the soccer complex on the Waipio peninsula. This would require building a new complex in Kalaeloa and getting the Navy to agree to use Waipio. In a recent town hall meeting, the city said the Navy had refused.
But as a 60-year Wahiawa resident pointed out, military lands are used under leases from the state, and those leases are coming up for renegotiation. If the city and the state cooperated, they could get land in Kalaeloa for soccer, use Waipio for a landfill and save our water.
Larry Meacham
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