Back in the Day: Photos from Hawaii’s Past
View historic Hawaii photos “back in the day.”

The UH Manoa campus’ language laboratory is known as one of the most advanced in the country. But as lab director Gerald Chang says, “Our equipment has come to the end of its life span. After 10 years of being used from seven to nine hours a day, we’re losing 20 to 30 student stations a day, and we’re finding that a major overhaul costs more than buying new equipment.”STARADVERTISER / OCTOBER 15, 1955
It was only 7:22 a.m. by the Honolulu Airport clock, but the festive Aloha Week atmosphere obviously had caught on when a Pan American Airways flight brought in a group of visiting Seattle Shriners. Song-anddance troupes will greet almost all arriving visitors during Aloha Week.STARADVERTISER / JULY 16, 1984
The City Council’s Waikiki Task Force is looking for ways to reduce the number of newsstands such as these at a Kalakaua Avenue crosswalk.STARADVERTISER / OCTOBER 28, 1985
Steve Abrams, right, still hopes to scoop up the plastic disk after Art Stockwell takes a dive during the fall 1985 Hawaii Ultimate League Association championships.STARADVERTISER / MARCH 29, 1966
Anne Collins, 17, is greeted by some 20 members of the Teenagers Assembly of Hawaii on her return from Mobile, Ala., where the University High student was named fi rst runner-up in the 1966 Junior Miss Contest. That honor netted her a $6,000 scholarship, but she said she was even more thrilled to be named Miss Congeniality, which came with a $1,000 award. Collins, daughter of professors DWane R. Collins and Myrtle T. Collins of Waialae Iki, has had a busy year, also being crowned Hawaii’s 1966 Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow.STARADVERTISER / JULY 22, 1981
Hawaii’s four county mayors got together with Gov. George Ariyoshi, right, over a roast beef lunch for a private “talk story” session at Washington Place. Attending were Maui Mayor Hannibal Tavares, Big Island Mayor Herbert Matayoshi, Honolulu Mayor Eileen Anderson and Kauai Mayor Eduardo Malapit.STARADVERTISER / JANUARY 23, 1982
Hundreds marched to the state Capitol, as did other people across the nation, to protest the ninth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision legalizing abortion.