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This past New Year’s Eve was the worst, not only in terms of aerial fireworks, but also seeing people lighting and throwing fireworks out of vehicles driving on Kamehameha Highway. All it takes is one spark to ignite the trees along the highway near Waikele, and our houses will go up in flames like a matchstick.
After what happened in Lahaina and California, the penalty should be increased to at least one year in prison and a $5,000 fine. If caught with the fireworks in their hand, users should automatically be placed in jail. This is the only way they will comprehend the severity of using illegal fireworks that destroy our community. Why should we allow them to destroy our livelihoods when we have worked so hard to survive here in Hawaii?
Current law isn’t cutting it. We also need to hire more reserve police officers during the holidays.
Johanna Ferge
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