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Service members and their families have lives too, even in Hawaii (“Service members occupy nearly 14% of Oahu rentals,” Star-Advertiser, Jan. 19). Military service members are stationed here in Hawaii to maintain the safety of the Hawaiian islands and all their people.
Do you think all military families from the mainland want to be stationed far away from their families, friends and hometowns? Do they all want to be placed in an expensive, albeit sometimes beautiful, place with a sometimes-functioning pono culture? No. It’s a service that spouses and children provide, too.
Wherever military families live, it is their home. They have a right to choose to live in non-military housing. And by the way, don’t they spend a lot of money here, too?
Don’t simply blame Hawaii’s lack of housing on military personnel, and please act pono and give military families the respect they deserve.
Connie Wickware
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