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Much has been written lately about the need for a new Oahu landfill site. Unfortunately, no mention has been made of the reason we need landfills to begin with: overconsumption of material goods.
The American culture we have been infected with in Hawaii, in stark contrast to indigenous cultures, is the most materialistic in the history of human civilization. We make, buy and discard far too much stuff, thinking that we can find happiness and fulfillment in material possessions. Every philosophy and spiritual tradition in human history has told us we can’t, but we don’t listen, brainwashed by advertising to buy endlessly. This has never led to happiness and meaning, and never will. Instead, it dooms us to dissatisfaction and suffering, destroying the planet in the process.
Landfills are one form of the destruction. We need to come to our senses and significantly redesign our values.
Peter Greenhill
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