Thank you, Star-Advertiser, for the comprehensive reports on attempts and failures to enforce Hawaii’s laws against illegal fireworks. Let’s try this:
>> Offer a bounty for information that leads to prosecution of violators.
>> Bestow a further reward if the prosecution leads to a conviction.
>> Have the bounty and reward amounts relate to the amount of illegal fireworks seized, with additional bonuses for tips that lead to interception of illegal fireworks shipments.
>> Establish a public, interest-bearing fund to supplement legislative appropriations to cover the costs of this enforcement plan.
>> Legalize more smaller fireworks, such as sparklers and even roman candles.
It’s true, people love their fireworks. It’s also true that tens of thousands of Hawaii residents hate illegal aerial fireworks. We are an army that could be recruited to change the culture around illegal fireworks — to help rescue a fireworks tradition that went off the rails.
Kay Lynch
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