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Recent Star-Advertiser columns on public health were a discussion of “opponents versus rivals” in an attempt to normalize the worst of both (“Trump’s picks for top health jobs are not just a team of rivals — but a ‘team of opponents,’” Insight, and “Amid hit job on U.S. public health, wiser spirit in isles,” Island Voices, Dec. 29). They were a hit job against everything the U.S. population voted for in the recent historic election.
The voters trashed government performance on the most important national issues. Issues, not individuals, ruled. They chose their best option to clean up the current mess that exists in national governance. There are many who believe the Biden administration as Barack Obama’s third term, and that Kamala Harris was about to be Obama’s fourth term in office. The weaponization of federal agencies had slowly created an awareness that the government was on the verge of becoming a Marxist tyranny.
The “rivals” we have been experiencing is nothing less than cultural warfare and the voters knew it.
Toby Rushforth
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