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The stories we tell and the histories we acknowledge hold immense power. With that in mind, I was pleased to read about President Joe Biden’s recognition of the sacrifice made by the 135 young men, primarily Native Hawaiians, who were part of the Hui Panala‘au group (“President Biden honors members of the Hui Panala‘au,” Jan. 6).
At the start of the program, the U.S. government sent 12 furloughed military personnel and six Native Hawaiian men to occupy and observe the natural conditions of remote and undeveloped islands. Later, the project was left entirely in the hands of the Hawaiians. Their deep knowledge of Oceania and its ecosystems deserved greater recognition, as does the complex role Native Hawaiians played in the history of colonialism and territorial claims.
President Biden’s posthumous award to the Hui Panala‘au members is a meaningful gesture. Let’s continue working to ensure the rich and nuanced history of this region is told, understood and honored.
Kate Kane
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