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Surely we citizens of Honolulu cannot just move on with our lives without concrete action being taken by officials to prevent more tragedies in the coming years. When did our New Year’s celebrations spiral out of control — from strands of firecrackers to rockets shooting into the sky? How many homes on this island right now have these illegal explosives stored in their garages awaiting the next tragic event? Who will be next?
I beg our officials, company officers, shipping regulators/off-loaders, everyone with the authority to stem this tide and take action now. Do not let profits be made from this lethal trade in pyrotechnics that our citizens do not have the training to handle.
And lastly, do not begin the official action through monetary fines on our everyday citizens — start at the top of the pyramid by shutting down those persons responsible for making the pyrotechnics available
Barbara Norton
Salt Lake
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