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So the city can spend millions and millions on eminent domain for seven properties to help finish a significantly shortened, bloated and over-budget rail system that is 10 years behind schedule for the few thousand of people that might ride it daily (“Hart requests eminent domain on 7 properties,” Star-Advertiser, Dec. 29) Yet the City Council can’t develop and approve eminent domain on the two properties by the H-1 freeway’s east-bound Punahou exit that is the sole cause of traffic for tens of thousands of commuters every day for the past 20 years.
I guess there might not be enough developmental contributions to be made to political campaigns for such a cheap, effective and efficient project. I suppose there would not be enough studies, consultant work or change orders to justify such common-sense competence.
Let’s go, City Council. This has been as easy fix waiting to happen for decades. Make our city livable, it’s your job.
Pat Kelly
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