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Why do we allow a few obnoxious people to terrorize our neighborhoods with aerial explosions and sound bombs that shake the walls of our homes and hearts? Who is to blame for the destruction of everyone’s peace and quiet — the grief and anguish of loved ones gone or maimed? How do so many hurtful bombs arrive in our islands? Has the Illegal Fireworks Task Force been effective? Maybe everyone from inspectors to police to attorney general just turns a blind eye.
There are quieter, less destructive forms of entertainment, but some prefer loud and obnoxious aerials that are toxic to our nearshore water and air. After all the words written, complaints received, decades of enforcement failures, terror and incompetent policymaking, the reality of dramatic proliferation once again this New Year’s Eve suggests the supply is being facilitated by those supposed to control, limit and enforce. It seems that simple.
Rob Kinslow
Wilhelmina Rise
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