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A letter writer damned “colonial Zionist Israel” and its “obedient servant” the U.S. (“Situation in Gaza all the worse for women, girls,” Star-Advertiser, Dec. 25). The reason for this two-nation condemnation was an ‘Olelo TV program in which a Palestinian-American reported that his female relatives in Gaza were struggling to attend to their menstrual needs.
The writer does not reference the treatment of women in Arab Muslim terrorist-based societies. Such treatment includes female circumcision, being treated as property, requiring male accompaniment to leave home and having arranged marriages. These women live a Middle Ages existence in the 21st century. They are a long- suffering group who, in some countries, have yet to be declared eligible to vote.
I think that attending to their menstrual needs is not their principal aggravation and certainly not deserving of the condemnation of two nations that have led the world in improving the status and rights of women.
Mathew Sgan
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