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A recent writer’s hilarious suggestion to create a Las Vegas type strip on Oahu’s West Side because Waikiki is falling into the ocean belongs in the funny papers (“West Oahu casino haven could solve isle problems,” Star-Advertiser, Dec. 28). It’s hard enough just trying to get out of Waianae during regular morning school traffic, and heaven forbid if there is ever an accident. Even a few thousand more cars on the road would make it impossible to get out. And, I mean this respectfully, many residents don’t have that kind of extra cash lying around to use on gambling.
This has nothing to do with “missionary thinking.” The West Side would be the last place that this should be considered. I agree, there should be casinos and even lotteries on Oahu, but you got to go where the visitors are and not us locals. And no, visitors will not flock to the West Side.
Kip Anderson
Salt Lake
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