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“Nobody should have to live like this.”
That painful sentiment expressed by an Oahu woman was one of many responses received from my recent Right-to-Know Act requests made to Honolulu City Council members and Managing Director Michael Formby for information pertaining to the way-too-early morning trash pickup activities of private refuse haulers.
Three truths exist in Honolulu:
1. Trash pickup by private refuse haulers begins before 3 a.m.
2. There is no law to protect residents from the harmful physical and mental impacts of noise pollution caused by private refuse haulers.
3. There is no contract with the private refuse haulers to offer said protections.
The year 2025, with the spirit of aloha and hooponopono, could be the year that these truths cease to exist. May everyone from keiki to kupuna who are impacted by this issue have their health and quality of life protected.
Carlino Giampolo
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