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Why did the City Council pay $500,000 for outside counsel regarding pending Bill 46 and then choose to not wait for the results of the consultation? If Bill 46 passes, at least 20% of the monies collected will be used for affordable housing, and the remainder will be used for other, as yet undefined, related purposes.
Although Bill 46 is ostensibly aimed at solving our affordable housing problem, it appears more like a covert way to gain monies for the city’s coffers without offering any actual accountability. If passed, who is going to pay for the costs of dealing with legal suits against the city challenging the legality of this bill?
Surely, passing this bill is more likely to open a Pandora’s box than provide solutions to our housing problems.
We have had enough of a fiasco with our rail system to pay for; do we really need another one?
Sharon Keating
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