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A recent letter stated that 25% tax on $100,000 in income pales to a 10% tax of the wealthy (“Tax on wealthy, Dem spending a path to ruin,” Star- Advertiser, Oct. 23). The writer doesn’t understand that the amount paid is more because of the higher income, but is not proportionate to the lower incomes.
If everyone pays the same percentage no matter the size of their income, everyone pay their fair share. Twenty- five percent of $1 billion in income is $250 million, leaving $750 million after taxes. Imagine if they donated $250 million to the needy, which can be deducted, they would still have $500 million left.
So how can it be unfair to the billionaire to pay the same, if not higher, percentage of taxes than lower incomes? Instead of building spaceships, help all Americans by building truly affordable housing so our younger generations can live the American Dream and be able to own a home.
Lance Miyake
Pearl City
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