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The multimillions currently spent by Democrats far surpasses the GOP. The Dems’ bulging war chest is funded by wealthy liberal donors, especially profiting from Joe Biden’s $3 trillion infrastructure pork, printed out of thin air.
Nancy Pelosi’s excessive investment returns far outperform those of money managers, indicating insider knowledge. Dems’ class warfare masks the corruption occurring in the pilfering of the Treasury.
The 25% tax for a $100,000 income pales in comparison to the 10% of a billionaire’s income. In truth, taxes for the wealthy far surpass those from the general populace, our economic foundation.
This class warfare mirrors the anti- rich hysteria during Franklin D. Roosevelt’s reign. The Great Depression began recovering in the mid-1930s with GDP rising into 1937. Instead, FDR’s 80% wealth tax completely reversed the recovery, plunging our economy back into a depression. This will also happen with Kamala Harris’ tax against the rich.
Gene Dumaran
Ewa Beach
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