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The 3rd annual Ka Mai‘a ‘Ho‘olaule‘a/Banana Festival on Oct. 20 will open up a world of banana flavors and notions of what the popular fruit can be.
Slow Food Oahu is co-sponsoring the festival from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Windward Community College. There will be a $10 admission charge, though children under 12 are free.
A new Banana Cook Off will be launched this year, judged by chef Alan Wong, farmer Mark Suiso and food writer Martha Cheng. Open to home cooks as well as professionals, categories include savory, pupu, banana flower and dessert (no banana bread). Entry forms will be available Oct. 1 on Opens in a new tab.
At least 10 varieties of raw bananas will be available for tasting, and banana dishes made by chefs may be sampled.
Babs Miyano-Young will operate the banana fiber printing booth. A blank t-shirt can be purchased or fairgoers can bring their own shirt to decorate with botanical patterns. Mahina and Cheryl Pukahi will demonstrate lauhala and banana fiber weaving. Wesley Sen will demonstrate how to dye a piece of kapa with purple fei banana sap.
A variety of banana plants, books, t-shirts and other paraphernalia will be on sale.
The festival will also include a lecture from 9 to 10 a.m. by co-sponsor Gabe Sacher-Smith, owner of the Banana Source on banana culinary lore, botanical history and best growing practices. His lecture and slide show will be held an hour before the official opening of the event.
Fairgoers should be at Windward Community College by 8:45 a.m. with tickets, which can be purchased at the door. For more information, contact Laurie Carlson at 808-330-5049.