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Maybe it’s because I’m in my 70s, but I found Aug. 28’s “The youth vote” article so unnerving.
One of my early courses at Kapiolani Community College was an intro to political science, where the instructor’s assignment was for all students to volunteer on a local politician’s campaign. At that time, the big gubernatorial contest was between a well-backed Jack Burns and Tom Gill, the Democrat maverick. Like today’s youth, their campaigns didn’t mean much to me, but for some reason I chose to work for Gill’s campaign. I learned a lot about the impact every voter has in how things are run in this state.
I strongly believe the “Ainokea Generation” could learn a lot if it was a requirement to work at a politico’s campaign office. It just might make them say, “I do care and I want to help make it better for all of us.”
Trevor Tyler
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