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Columnist Marc Thiessen misses the key issue in this race: It is not party platforms, but Donald Trump’s life history that is cause for concern (“Walz is Harris’ first unforced error, an opening for Trump,” Star-Advertiser, Aug. 8).
Trump ignores vows, tossing wives when ready for a change, was convicted of defrauding students at his university and was found liable for sexual assault, even boasting of the latter. He claimed billionaire status while using bankruptcy to keep from paying for work done on his projects. He lies compulsively (every interview has to end with a fact check) and told Republicans to vote against a measure with bipartisan support just so Joe Biden would not get credit for it.
What makes Thiessen, or anyone, think Trump would stick to the Republican platform if he would benefit by ignoring it? Just ask Mike Pence how trustworthy he is.
Brad Smith
Ala Moana
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