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In a recent letter, the author said, “My family and I are hoping the genuine American Donald Trump will return to the White House and restore common sense traditional family values to our country after the November presidential general election” (“Stand up for traditional American principles,” Star-Advertiser, May 24).
I always worry when I hear people say “family values.” Are we speaking about the tradition of enslaving Black families, using children in sweatshops or not allowing women to vote? Is it unjustly imprisoning Japanese or discriminating against those who don’t look like us or share the same religion or speak the same language?
And the author wants Donald Trump to lead this charge! Trump, an accused tax cheat and a man who has allegedly cheated on multiple wives.
Let us seek moral values for the country that elevate the dignity of people. Let us elect leaders who are honest and affirming — two words I’ve never heard describe Trump.
Herman Marciel
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