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The ongoing violence and humanitarian crisis in Gaza literally makes it hard for me to sleep at night.
I applaud the state Senate for passing a resolution that urges Congress and the president to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. But the state House remains insistent on not supporting HCR 215/HR 195, which calls for this same action that the Senate so courageously passed. Last week, health care workers and faith leaders met with Rep. David Tarnas to ask for a hearing and his support. While in words he says he supports a ceasefire, he’s outright opposed to a ceasefire resolution currently sitting in his Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs Committee. Talk is cheap, Rep. Tarnas.
Silence is not an option when innocent lives are at stake, especially from our lawmakers who can use their influence to help prevent further lives from being lost.
Ann Hsu
Makawao, Maui
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