Jews in America and Israel have expressed concern for the civilians in Gaza. They also recognize that for as long as Palestinians have launched intifadas, wars and rockets against Israel and its civilians, they have no choice but to fight back.
Concern over civilian deaths and casualties in Gaza has obscured the inhumane decision of Hamas to murder Israeli innocents, take hostages, abandon Gaza’s civilians to counterattack by the Israel Defense Forces, and to start a war.
None of this matters, according to the few Jews and their non-Jewish colleagues who call themselves Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) (“Jewish Voice for Peace Hawaii supports a free Palestine,” Star-Advertiser, Island Voices, Jan 11). They claim a moral high ground and demonize Israel as a genocidal nation.
What would a ceasefire accomplish? The return of Hamas, the perpetrator of the war. If you buy the genocide argument of JVP, you accuse the victim of being the perpetrator of the war.
The Hamas narrative of victimhood is a lie, and the only way to bring peace to Gazans is to defeat Hamas, bring hostages home, and repair the damage wrought by Hamas on its own people.
Jean E. Rosenfeld
Queen Emma
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