Signs of Hawaiian Life – Dec. 31, 2023

Joaquinn Gaos-Yanez of Ewa Beach discovered some refreshing aloha at the top of El Penon de Guatape, aka La Piedra. Gaos-Yanez climbed up 702 steps of the steep rock formation in Guatape, Colombia, in March. Photo by Ingrid Yanez.

During a trip to Tokyo, Hawaii Kai resident Derek Yukio Baba snapped a selfie in front of a Hawaiian Pancake Factory restaurant at Shinjuku Station in March.

On their way back to Osaka, Japan, from Shikoku Island, Ann Sakurao, left, and Diane Murata spotted this store display of United Airlines’ “Menehune of Hawaii” figures in April. Murata, an Aiea resident, was traveling with her hula bear “Lulu.” Photo by Kathy Sakurao.

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