We happen to be facing the singularly worst presidential candidate choice. I am writing as an immigrant, not gleefully accepted everywhere, but as a haole kamaaina of 50 years fully comfortable here.
The choices: The former president: He wants to eliminate our democracy, our greatest pride, our most cherished achievement. He wants to be a “dictator” as he has announced. He faces 91 criminal charges with a potential of more than 700 years in prison. What a choice.
The current president: He is destroying our international standing, our credibility, by providing arms and our taxpayers’ money ($3.3 billion in 2022, of which 99.7% went to their military) to help kill innocent Palestinians, destroy their culture, their religion and their cherished homeland, Gaza. Is casting a dark shadow across the globe another choice?
That does not sit right with a lot of people around the world and will have large ramifications for U.S. leadership. That is dangerous in our worldwide serious competition with China and Russia.
Good luck to all of us.
Gerhard Hamm
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