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It is amazing that the NIMBY opponents of our Ala Wai Flood Mitigation Plan are complaining that their views while driving down Ala Wai Boulevard will be blocked with implementation of our neighborhood-saving flood plan (“Latest plan for Ala Wai flood control reaches $1B,” Star-Advertiser, Nov. 26).
I guess we need to remind drivers, yet again, they need to keep their eyes on the road at all times. We have all seen the carnage, destruction and death caused by drivers’ reckless and selfish driving behavior.
So here is an idea: If drivers wish to view the canal and points mauka once the flood walls are up, leave your car at home and stroll down the new decorative, landscaped, raised walkway on foot or ride your bike across the canal on our wonderful, new pedestrian bridge.
Jeffrey Merz
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