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Up to this week I did not feel this way, but I now feel that after WWII, the Allied powers, in setting up the state of Israel, created a Frankenstein-like monster. Founded to give a dispossessed people a homeland while then dispossessing other people of their ancestral homeland never sounded right to me, but I have been always hopeful that the new country of Israel would not do what was done to them. I used to believe that they would and could live in peace with fellow human beings, that they had learned an axiom to live by: tolerance for others’ beliefs.
Now I am seeing genocide. How else would you explain the random bombing and killing of innocent children and their parents? This is genocide under the pretense of future safety. More enemies are being produced like the Hydra of mythology — cutting off a few heads only means more heads will sprout and become even more vicious.
Hate breeds hate! Will we ever learn that simple lesson?
Jerald Satoru Takesono, D.D.S.
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