How often do we have the chance to change the trajectory of someone’s life?
We as a state have the chance to impact hundreds of thousands of students across Hawaii by propelling their economic opportunities and security through computer science.
In Hawaii, there are 2,234 computing jobs open with an average salary of over $94,000. Providing students with exposure to computer science in K-12 will allow them the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background. And with artificial intelligence on the rise, these skills will only become more crucial. Unfortunately, not every student has that opportunity now.
The Legislature passed Act 174, which requires a recommendation on computer science as a graduation requirement from our Board of Education.
Eight other states and Puerto Rico have computer science as a graduation requirement. Hawaii can take the steps necessary to position our students at the forefront of the highest-paying jobs in the nation and in our community. Let’s invest in our own future and make computer science a foundational literacy in our education system.
State Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz
District 17 (Mililani, Wahiawa)
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