Regarding “Ticket fees unfair for Maui fundraisers” (Star-Advertiser, Letters, Sept. 21): The spirit to love and help a neighbor in need prevails in these islands, as chefs and restaurants, and the supporters in the catering and event service businesses, collaborated for one night to raise funds for a disaster relief mission.
All food and beverage, furniture and linens, entertainment, audio and video equipment, paper goods, printing, decorations, parking, ticket fees, venue, ushers and servers — everyone donated their time, products and services, sharing their gifts and talents.
Technology and accessibility are not always friendly, and unfortunately programming for ticketing software could not flex with our mission. Ticketmaster, like all of the other companies that participated in the Chefs for Hope Kako‘o Maui, donated back all of the fees to our beneficiaries.
Our state has been deeply affected by the wildfires of Lahaina, and through the generosity of everyone who participated, we were able to raise more than $170,000 for the Salvation Army of Hawaii, Hawaiian Way Fund Kako‘o Maui, and the Honolulu Firefighters Foundation.
Thank you to all those who participated and supported Chefs for Hope Kako‘o Maui.
Chef Chai Chaowasaree and Lee-Ann Choy
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