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As someone who experienced the Waikoloa fire, I know a lot more could have and should have been done in Lahaina.
When I heard that Waikoloa was in danger, I left my Kona office and drove home. At the entrance to Waikoloa Road, police were stopping motorists. I told the officer that I had to get a pet from my house and he let me through, advising me not to delay.
As I arrived at my home I could hear the firefighters on the front row fighting the fire about 100 yards away, but I could see nothing. I grabbed a box of photos and the animal carrier and as I left, a policewoman shouted at me to leave now. I shouted back to her my thanks and drove away.
The Hawaii County fire department was magnificent. The police department was on it, banging on every door, telling everyone to leave. The departments were so organized and so proficient. No one lost their life in that fire and to my knowledge in any subsequent fire on Hawaii island.
Sheila Funk
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