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In response to the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation board’s C- grade for Skyline CEO Lori Kahikina (“Rail CEO receives ‘C-minus’ evaluation ahead of the project’s biggest milestone,” Star-Advertiser, June 29): We are fortunate enough to live at the Queen Emma Gardens condo. One of our residents has been inviting various politicians and public servants to do a meet-and-greet at our tea house. We’ve had the mayor, chief of police and most recently, Kahikina.
I went in with guns blazing about the public outcry with regards to the lack of public facilities at rail stations.
Boy, was I humbled! We were educated in that short hour. Kahikina is intelligent and works well with people. We are truly blessed to have her heading this project.
Before mouthing off, get educated. She is doing her best to get the rail to the University of Hawaii or at least to Ala Moana Center.
Let’s give Kahikina the benefit of the doubt and ride the rail before casting stones at her.
Her job is not easy. If you think you can do a better job, have at it!
Reiko Oh
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