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Best in Show in Floral Design, by Debbie Stockstill, was inspired by the iconic Japanese painting of a giant wave by Hokusai.
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First place went to Dotty Nitta and co-exhibitor Betty Lee in floral design for "Ebbtide."
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A functional table design by Jan
Tucker and co-exhibitor Susu
Markham won first place.
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A reception table design, “Sake
Cocktails Sony Open,” by Fredrica “Ricki” Cassiday, won an honorable mention award.
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First place went to Erin Choy in botanical arts, which includes both botanical jewelry and botanical forms.
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Erin Choy won first place and a Certificate of Excellence in Botanical Arts for designing her sushi plate with a wide variety of plant materials.
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Erin Choy won first place and a Certificate of Excellence in Botanical Arts for designing her sushi plate with a wide variety of plant materials.
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The Hawaiian canoe plant exhibit honors the late Claire Olsen Johnson, a GCA horticulture judge, award-winning exhibitor and active member of the Garden Club of Honolulu for more than 35 years.
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Kitty Wo won second place and The Garden Club of America’s Fenwick Medal, for her floral design, also inspired by the iconic Japanese Hokusai's painting.
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Kitty Wo won second place and The Garden Club of America’s Fenwick Medal, for her floral design, also inspired by the iconic Japanese Hokusai's painting.
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Heather Maughan and co-exhibitors Susy Kuehner and Moira Knox took third place for horticulture with "Flipper."