To answer the question posed by James Pritchett, who asked when are we going to blame the real cause for gun violence (“Years of gun restrictions haven’t solved problem,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, June 1), one only needs to look at the reliable published data.
World Population Review 2023 reported that in 2019, the U.S. suffered 37,038 deaths by gun, or 10.89 deaths per 100,000 population. In contrast, Japan reported 101 deaths or 0.08 per 100,000.
To obtain a gun permit, Japan requires its citizens to attend an all-day class on gun safety, pass a written exam, pass a shooting test with 95% accuracy, pass a mental exam and pass a background check, and only then be allowed to buy a shotgun or rifle (not an assault rifle).
To be sure, such restrictions are politically unrealistic in the U.S. The country is awash with guns and removing most guns, like Australia and New Zealand did, is impractical. But, if you’re looking to answer what’s to blame for our insane gun violence, just consider the obvious. Too many easy-to-obtain guns in the hands of unfit owners without rational, effective restrictions.
Francis M. Nakamoto
Moanalua Valley
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