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Pianist, Activist and Philanthropist, Ginny Tiu.
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Entrepreneur, public serviceman and philanthropist, Warren Luke.
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With all the violent and climate-changing experiences in the world, we should be shouting any good news for all to hear.
Hawaii should be so proud that two of our very own were honored as recipients of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor on May 6 at Ellis Island.
Congratulations to Ginny Tiu and Warren Luke.
This prestigious award is presented annually at a New York gala affair to recipients from all over the world who have generously given of themselves toward the betterment of mankind, the world, and for peace throughout. Their philanthropic community efforts have not gone unseen.
To Ginny, my dear friend, we are so proud of you! The Hawaiian Humane Society and Hawaii Symphony Orchestra, and many other organizations, are lucky to have you as a major sponsor. Thank you also for always sharing your talent as a great musician throughout the world.
Karen Shishido
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