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No amount of money will undo the destruction Fox News unleashed on American democracy in the selfish attempt to keep ad dollars flowing and stock prices high (“Fox settles defamation suit for $787.5M,” Star-Advertiser, April 19).
With callous disregard for journalistic professionalism, Fox anchors repeatedly went on the air and told what they knew to be lies of stolen elections and, in my opinion, are complicit in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
Rupert Murdoch, Tucker Carlson and Maria Bartiromo should have been forced as part of the settlement to go on the air and issue apologies for their part in attempting to undermine democracy while simultaneously destroying a company’s reputation. They need to say “I lied to you. I knew what I was repeatedly telling you was not true but I live very well and I needed you to maintain my lavish lifestyle.” That might be a good place to start. The truth.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for Fox to do the right thing. It will continue to push its right-wing agenda as there will always be an audience for conspiracies, fact-less “truths” and finding something or someone to blame.
Bret Hill
Ewa Beach
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