Miss Aloha Hula competition opens Merrie Monarch Festival
The Miss Aloha Hula competition opened the 60th Merrie Monarch Festival on Thursday at Edith Kanaka’ole Stadium in Hilo.

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Eva Rose Keao’opuaikala’i Espinoza, of Keolalaulani Halau Olapa O Laka under the direction of kumu Keolalaulani Dalire, performs "He Inoa No Likelike" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition at the 60th Merrie Monarch Festival on Thursday at Edith Kanaka’ole Stadium in Hilo.
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Breeze Ann Kalehuaonalani Vidinha Pavao, of Halau Ka Lei Mokihana o Leina’ala under the direction of kumu Leina’ala Pavao Jardin, performs "He Mele No Ni’ihau" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Breeze Ann Kalehuaonalani Vidinha Pavao, of Halau Ka Lei Mokihana o Leina’ala under the direction of kumu Leina’ala Pavao Jardin, performs "He Mele No Ni’ihau" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Breeze Ann Kalehuaonalani Vidinha Pavao, of Halau Ka Lei Mokihana o Leina’ala under the direction of kumu Leina’ala Pavao Jardin, performs "He Mele No Ni’ihau" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Breeze Ann Kalehuaonalani Vidinha Pavao, of Halau Ka Lei Mokihana o Leina’ala under the direction of kumu Leina’ala Pavao Jardin, performs "He Mele No Ni’ihau" during the kahiko portion.
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Breeze Ann Kalehuaonalani Vidinha Pavao, of Halau Ka Lei Mokihana o Leina’ala under the direction of kumu Leina’ala Pavao Jardin, performs "He Mele No Ni’ihau" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Breeze Ann Kalehuaonalani Vidinha Pavao, of Halau Ka Lei Mokihana o Leina’ala under the direction of kumu Leina’ala Pavao Jardin, performs "He Mele No Ni’ihau" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jill-Lyan Makanaokalani Mae-Ling Mamizuka, of Halau o ka Hanu Lehua under the direction of kumu Carlson Kamaka Kukona III, performs "Ke Ha’a La Puna" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jill-Lyan Makanaokalani Mae-Ling Mamizuka, of Halau o ka Hanu Lehua under the direction of kumu Carlson Kamaka Kukona III, performs "Ke Ha’a La Puna" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jill-Lyan Makanaokalani Mae-Ling Mamizuka, of Halau o ka Hanu Lehua under the direction of kumu Carlson Kamaka Kukona III, performs "Ke Ha’a La Puna" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jill-Lyan Makanaokalani Mae-Ling Mamizuka, of Halau o ka Hanu Lehua under the direction of kumu Carlson Kamaka Kukona III, performs "Ke Ha’a La Puna" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jill-Lyan Makanaokalani Mae-Ling Mamizuka, of Halau o ka Hanu Lehua under the direction of kumu Carlson Kamaka Kukona III, performs "Ke Ha’a La Puna" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jill-Lyan Makanaokalani Mae-Ling Mamizuka, of Halau o ka Hanu Lehua under the direction of kumu Carlson Kamaka Kukona III, performs "Ke Ha’a La Puna" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jill-Lyan Makanaokalani Mae-Ling Mamizuka, of Halau o ka Hanu Lehua under the direction of kumu Carlson Kamaka Kukona III, performs "Ke Ha’a La Puna" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Agnes Renee Leihiwahiwaikapolionamakua Thronas Brown, of Ka La ’Onohi Mai O Ha’eha’e under the direction of kumu Tracie and Keawe Lopes, performs "Poli Laua’e O Makana" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Agnes Renee Leihiwahiwaikapolionamakua Thronas Brown, of Ka La ’Onohi Mai O Ha’eha’e under the direction of kumu Tracie and Keawe Lopes, performs "Poli Laua’e O Makana" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Agnes Renee Leihiwahiwaikapolionamakua Thronas Brown, of Ka La ’Onohi Mai O Ha’eha’e under the direction of kumu Tracie and Keawe Lopes, performs "Poli Laua’e O Makana" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Agnes Renee Leihiwahiwaikapolionamakua Thronas Brown, of Ka La ’Onohi Mai O Ha’eha’e under the direction of kumu Tracie and Keawe Lopes, performs "Poli Laua’e O Makana" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Agnes Renee Leihiwahiwaikapolionamakua Thronas Brown, of Ka La ’Onohi Mai O Ha’eha’e under the direction of kumu Tracie and Keawe Lopes, performs "Poli Laua’e O Makana" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Meleana Kamalani Mirafuentes, of Halau Na Mamo O Pu’uanahulu under the direction of kumu William Kahakuleilehua "Sonny" Ching and kumu Lopaka Igarta-De Vera, performs "He Lei No Ka’iulani" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition at the 60th Merrie Monarch Festival on Thursday at Edith Kanaka’ole Stadium in Hilo.
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Meleana Kamalani Mirafuentes, of Halau Na Mamo O Pu’uanahulu under the direction of kumu William Kahakuleilehua "Sonny" Ching and kumu Lopaka Igarta-De Vera, performs "He Lei No Ka’iulani" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Meleana Kamalani Mirafuentes, of Halau Na Mamo O Pu’uanahulu under the direction of kumu William Kahakuleilehua "Sonny" Ching and kumu Lopaka Igarta-De Vera, performs "He Lei No Ka’iulani" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Meleana Kamalani Mirafuentes, of Halau Na Mamo O Pu’uanahulu under the direction of kumu William Kahakuleilehua "Sonny" Ching and kumu Lopaka Igarta-De Vera, performs "He Lei No Ka’iulani" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Meleana Kamalani Mirafuentes, of Halau Na Mamo O Pu’uanahulu under the direction of kumu William Kahakuleilehua "Sonny" Ching and kumu Lopaka Igarta-De Vera, performs "He Lei No Ka’iulani" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Tehani Kaleohoneonalani Barrett, of Halau Ka Lehua Pua Kamaehu, under the direction of kumu Kasie Puahala Kaleohano and kumu Brandi Nohelani Barrett, performs "He Mele No Kahawali" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Tehani Kaleohoneonalani Barrett, of Halau Ka Lehua Pua Kamaehu, under the direction of kumu Kasie Puahala Kaleohano and kumu Brandi Nohelani Barrett, performs "He Mele No Kahawali" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Tehani Kaleohoneonalani Barrett, of Halau Ka Lehua Pua Kamaehu, under the direction of kumu Kasie Puahala Kaleohano and kumu Brandi Nohelani Barrett, performs "He Mele No Kahawali" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Tehani Kaleohoneonalani Barrett, of Halau Ka Lehua Pua Kamaehu, under the direction of kumu Kasie Puahala Kaleohano and kumu Brandi Nohelani Barrett, performs "He Mele No Kahawali" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Tehani Kaleohoneonalani Barrett, of Halau Ka Lehua Pua Kamaehu, under the direction of kumu Kasie Puahala Kaleohano and kumu Brandi Nohelani Barrett, performs "He Mele No Kahawali" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Tehani Kaleohoneonalani Barrett, of Halau Ka Lehua Pua Kamaehu, under the direction of kumu Kasie Puahala Kaleohano and kumu Brandi Nohelani Barrett, performs "He Mele No Kahawali" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Tehani Kaleohoneonalani Barrett, of Halau Ka Lehua Pua Kamaehu, under the direction of kumu Kasie Puahala Kaleohano and kumu Brandi Nohelani Barrett, performs "He Mele No Kahawali" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Tehani Kaleohoneonalani Barrett, of Halau Ka Lehua Pua Kamaehu, under the direction of kumu Kasie Puahala Kaleohano and kumu Brandi Nohelani Barrett, performs "He Mele No Kahawali" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Tehani Kaleohoneonalani Barrett, of Halau Ka Lehua Pua Kamaehu, under the direction of kumu Kasie Puahala Kaleohano and kumu Brandi Nohelani Barrett, performs "He Mele No Kahawali" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Tehani Kaleohoneonalani Barrett, of Halau Ka Lehua Pua Kamaehu, under the direction of kumu Kasie Puahala Kaleohano and kumu Brandi Nohelani Barrett, performs "He Mele No Kahawali" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Tehani Kaleohoneonalani Barrett, of Halau Ka Lehua Pua Kamaehu, under the direction of kumu Kasie Puahala Kaleohano and kumu Brandi Nohelani Barrett, performs "He Mele No Kahawali" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Tehani Kaleohoneonalani Barrett, of Halau Ka Lehua Pua Kamaehu, under the direction of kumu Kasie Puahala Kaleohano and kumu Brandi Nohelani Barrett, performs "He Mele No Kahawali" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Meleana Kamalani Mirafuentes, of Halau Na Mamo O Pu’uanahulu under the direction of kumu William Kahakuleilehua "Sonny" Ching and kumu Lopaka Igarta-De Vera, performs "He Lei No Ka’iulani" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Meleana Kamalani Mirafuentes, of Halau Na Mamo O Pu’uanahulu under the direction of kumu William Kahakuleilehua "Sonny" Ching and kumu Lopaka Igarta-De Vera, performs "He Lei No Ka’iulani" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Meleana Kamalani Mirafuentes, of Halau Na Mamo O Pu’uanahulu under the direction of kumu William Kahakuleilehua "Sonny" Ching and kumu Lopaka Igarta-De Vera, performs "He Lei No Ka’iulani" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Meleana Kamalani Mirafuentes, of Halau Na Mamo O Pu’uanahulu under the direction of kumu William Kahakuleilehua "Sonny" Ching and kumu Lopaka Igarta-De Vera, performs "He Lei No Ka’iulani" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jazmine Nohealani Adams-Clarke, of Halau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniakea under the direction of kumu Kapua Dalire-Moe, performs "Ula Noweo" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jazmine Nohealani Adams-Clarke, of Halau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniakea under the direction of kumu Kapua Dalire-Moe, performs "Ula Noweo" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jazmine Nohealani Adams-Clarke, of Halau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniakea under the direction of kumu Kapua Dalire-Moe, performs "Ula Noweo" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jazmine Nohealani Adams-Clarke, of Halau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniakea under the direction of kumu Kapua Dalire-Moe, performs "Ula Noweo" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jazmine Nohealani Adams-Clarke, of Halau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniakea under the direction of kumu Kapua Dalire-Moe, performs "Ula Noweo" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Jazmine Nohealani Adams-Clarke, of Halau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniakea under the direction of kumu Kapua Dalire-Moe, performs "Ula Noweo" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Pola’a Kalani’elima Yim, of Halau Kala’akeakauikawekiu under the direction of kumu Kenneth Dean Alohapumehanaokala Victor, performs "He Inoa No Kamehameha I" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Pola’a Kalani’elima Yim, of Halau Kala’akeakauikawekiu under the direction of kumu Kenneth Dean Alohapumehanaokala Victor, performs "He Inoa No Kamehameha I" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Pola’a Kalani’elima Yim, of Halau Kala’akeakauikawekiu under the direction of kumu Kenneth Dean Alohapumehanaokala Victor, performs "He Inoa No Kamehameha I" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Pola’a Kalani’elima Yim, of Halau Kala’akeakauikawekiu under the direction of kumu Kenneth Dean Alohapumehanaokala Victor, performs "He Inoa No Kamehameha I" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Pola’a Kalani’elima Yim, of Halau Kala’akeakauikawekiu under the direction of kumu Kenneth Dean Alohapumehanaokala Victor, performs "He Inoa No Kamehameha I" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Breeze Ann Kalehuaonalani Vidinha Pavao, of Halau Ka Lei Mokihana o Leina’ala under the direction of kumu Leina’ala Pavao Jardin, performs "He Mele No Ni’ihau" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Breeze Ann Kalehuaonalani Vidinha Pavao, of Halau Ka Lei Mokihana o Leina’ala under the direction of kumu Leina’ala Pavao Jardin, performs "He Mele No Ni’ihau" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition at the 60th Merrie Monarch Festival on Thursday at Edith Kanaka’ole Stadium in Hilo.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Pohaikealoha Olikolani Artates, of Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka under the direction of kumu Napua Greig, performs "Aia I Maui Ku’u Lei Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Karlee Pohaikealoha Rita Chong-Kee, of Halau Kekuaokala’au’ala’iliahi under the direction of kumu Haunani and ’Iliahi Paredes, performs "Ka Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Nohealeimamo Vaughan-Darval, of Halau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine under the direction of kumu Ka’ilihiwa Vaughan-Darval, performs "No Kalani Ke Ahi" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Eva Rose Keao’opuaikala’i Espinoza, of Keolalaulani Halau Olapa O Laka under the direction of kumu Keolalaulani Dalire, performs "He Inoa No Likelike" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Eva Rose Keao’opuaikala’i Espinoza, of Keolalaulani Halau Olapa O Laka under the direction of kumu Keolalaulani Dalire, performs "He Inoa No Likelike" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Eva Rose Keao’opuaikala’i Espinoza, of Keolalaulani Halau Olapa O Laka under the direction of kumu Keolalaulani Dalire, performs "He Inoa No Likelike" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Je’ani-Jade Kalamaolaikapohakea Pavao, of Hula Halau ’O Kamuela under the direction of kumu Kunewa Mook and kumu Kau’ionalani Kamana’o, performs "He Inoa No Kapili Likelike" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Je’ani-Jade Kalamaolaikapohakea Pavao, of Hula Halau ’O Kamuela under the direction of kumu Kunewa Mook and kumu Kau’ionalani Kamana’o, performs "He Inoa No Kapili Likelike" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Je’ani-Jade Kalamaolaikapohakea Pavao, of Hula Halau ’O Kamuela under the direction of kumu Kunewa Mook and kumu Kau’ionalani Kamana’o, performs "He Inoa No Kapili Likelike" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Je’ani-Jade Kalamaolaikapohakea Pavao, of Hula Halau ’O Kamuela under the direction of kumu Kunewa Mook and kumu Kau’ionalani Kamana’o, performs "He Inoa No Kapili Likelike" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Je’ani-Jade Kalamaolaikapohakea Pavao, of Hula Halau ’O Kamuela under the direction of kumu Kunewa Mook and kumu Kau’ionalani Kamana’o, performs "He Inoa No Kapili Likelike" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Je’ani-Jade Kalamaolaikapohakea Pavao, of Hula Halau ’O Kamuela under the direction of kumu Kunewa Mook and kumu Kau’ionalani Kamana’o, performs "He Inoa No Kapili Likelike" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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2023 April 13 CTY - Honolulu Star-Advertiser photo by Jamm Aquino/jaquino@staradvertiser.com
Pohaikealoha Olikolani Artates, of Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka under the direction of kumu Napua Greig, performs "Aia I Maui Ku’u Lei Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition in the 60th Merrie Monarch Festival on Thursday, April 13, 2023, at Edith Kanaka’ole Stadium in Hilo, Hawaii.
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Pohaikealoha Olikolani Artates, of Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka under the direction of kumu Napua Greig, performs "Aia I Maui Ku’u Lei Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Pohaikealoha Olikolani Artates, of Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka under the direction of kumu Napua Greig, performs "Aia I Maui Ku’u Lei Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Pohaikealoha Olikolani Artates, of Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka under the direction of kumu Napua Greig, performs "Aia I Maui Ku’u Lei Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Pohaikealoha Olikolani Artates, of Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka under the direction of kumu Napua Greig, performs "Aia I Maui Ku’u Lei Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Pohaikealoha Olikolani Artates, of Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka under the direction of kumu Napua Greig, performs "Aia I Maui Ku’u Lei Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Pohaikealoha Olikolani Artates, of Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka under the direction of kumu Napua Greig, performs "Aia I Maui Ku’u Lei Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Pohaikealoha Olikolani Artates, of Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka under the direction of kumu Napua Greig, performs "Aia I Maui Ku’u Lei Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Karlee Pohaikealoha Rita Chong-Kee, of Halau Kekuaokala’au’ala’iliahi under the direction of kumu Haunani and ’Iliahi Paredes, performs "Ka Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Karlee Pohaikealoha Rita Chong-Kee, of Halau Kekuaokala’au’ala’iliahi under the direction of kumu Haunani and ’Iliahi Paredes, performs "Ka Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Karlee Pohaikealoha Rita Chong-Kee, of Halau Kekuaokala’au’ala’iliahi under the direction of kumu Haunani and ’Iliahi Paredes, performs "Ka Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Karlee Pohaikealoha Rita Chong-Kee, of Halau Kekuaokala’au’ala’iliahi under the direction of kumu Haunani and ’Iliahi Paredes, performs "Ka Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Karlee Pohaikealoha Rita Chong-Kee, of Halau Kekuaokala’au’ala’iliahi under the direction of kumu Haunani and ’Iliahi Paredes, performs "Ka Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Karlee Pohaikealoha Rita Chong-Kee, of Halau Kekuaokala’au’ala’iliahi under the direction of kumu Haunani and ’Iliahi Paredes, performs "Ka Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Karlee Pohaikealoha Rita Chong-Kee, of Halau Kekuaokala’au’ala’iliahi under the direction of kumu Haunani and ’Iliahi Paredes, performs "Ka Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.
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Karlee Pohaikealoha Rita Chong-Kee, of Halau Kekuaokala’au’ala’iliahi under the direction of kumu Haunani and ’Iliahi Paredes, performs "Ka Loke" during the kahiko portion of the Miss Aloha Hula competition.