Pedestrians and government officials must acknowledge the “Lug Nut Rule” — he who has the most lug nuts rules. The bottom line is that pedestrians have no lug nuts and thus must cross roads defensively at all times. At no time should they take for granted that they are being seen in a crosswalk. Therefore, they must:
>> Look both ways and behind when crossing at a corner.
>> Make eye contact with the driver.
>> Refrain from walking in front of a moving car unless it has already slowed down and the pedestrian has made eye contact with the driver. Stop or retreat if unsure.
>> When halfway across, look for traffic that may be turning into the lane from behind.
>> Never step into the street without performing the above.
Raising crosswalks that will launch the vehicle into the pedestrian, installing no-turn-on-red signs that will turn Ala Moana Boulevard into a parking lot, and larger fines will not prevent pedestrian accidents and will further embolden pedestrians to think they are safe to just walk into a crosswalk without performing the five actions above.
Michael Turina
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