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Owner-abandoned cats at the end of our road become feral and are forced to eat lizards or rats. People buy chicks for kids for Easter. Soon a frightened flock of chickens is dropped on our road. They become feral and eat bugs and centipedes.
The pigeons we used to feed at the Honolulu Zoo grounds suddenly find themselves, after 20 years, being ignored and hungry and no longer needed. Feral pigeons, released in whole flocks into the sky with no owner’s coops to return to, roost in trees. Egrets no longer eat parasites off cattle but flock to parking lots and the mall to eat.
The state now must produce a solution for all these “feral” animals. They mull capturing or culling cats and egrets, plus putting something in feed to prevent chickens and pigeons from reproducing. I say humans are the problem, not feral animals and birds.
Cassandra Aoki
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