The mention in Saturday’s article of military lands in the context of a new landfill site (“Extension requested for new landfill site”) raises the question: Where does the military on Oahu dump its trash, and where will it dump its trash once the Waimanalo Gulch landfill is closed?
Like anyone else here who generates trash, the military has a strong interest in the selection and development of a new landfill site. It should be willing to be part of the solution, not just part of the problem, generating trash that fills our landfill while leaving the city to deal with the siting of a new landfill without making any of its land available.
We should also note that at least some military bases are on land leased from the state. This suggests that the state should be involved in siting discussions.
It also suggests that if there is an appropriate site on a base whose lease will expire shortly, the city could negotiate directly with the state, with or without approval from the military.
The willingness of the military to be part of the solution to this issue, as well as other community issues, should be considered as the state considers whether to renew military leases as they expire.
Nobu Nakamoto
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